Ozon3 – Local Service Battles Airborne Contaminants The Natural Way


In the era of COVID-19, a burgeoning Vegas company promises “You won’t have to be afraid of what you can’t see. We have eliminated it”.

All of us are hearing about “the new normal”…a post-pandemic reality where our behaviors, sensibilities, and concerns will have to be re-established. More than anything else, we’re concerned about sanitary procedures and the transmission of contaminants, both airborne and on objects and surfaces.


My forward-thinking friend, businessman Mel Cole, founded a new company just as the pandemic was sweeping our country, and his timing couldn’t have been better. Ozon3 eliminates your worries by completely destroying the threat, whether it’s from smoking (cigarettes, cigars, marijuana), pet odors, mold, allergens, volatile organic compounds, all viruses (including seasonal flu), and even the dreaded COVID-19.


You may have read my articles here and here about the various measures being taken by Sin City resorts to help keep our guests COVID-free. Their protocols include the use of UV light, low-pressure fogging systems, and the application of disinfectants. Ozon3 is a different approach, one that guarantees 100 percent coverage of every area, even into the air ducts. And there’s no residue or damaging effects to surfaces or objects.


As you’ve probably surmised, ozone is the magic ingredient at Ozon3. You may remember from science class that ozone’s chemical formula is ’03’, which represents “trioxygen”. The distinctive odor of ozone is present whenever lightning strikes, and its rapid degradation allows it to become pure oxygen very quickly.


When introduced into an area, ozone gas causes rapid oxidation of contaminants, which makes it incredibly useful in a variety of industries:

  • Disinfecting air and laundry in hospitals, office, and hotels
  • Disinfecting water instead of with chlorine
  • Deodorizing air and objects, such as after a fire
  • Killing bacteria on food or on contact surfaces
  • Controlling legionella (Legionnaire’s disease)
  • Sanitizing swimming pools and spas
  • Scrubbing yeast and mold spores from the air
  • Chemically attacking contaminants and eradicating water-borne parasites

Mel told me that the process is very simple and completely effective. Once pets and people are removed, his certified professional team enters, outfitted in protective gear. Then they use trusted, highly-rated equipment that converts oxygen into concentrated ozone. Within an hour, the area is “surgically sterile” and can be reoccupied soon after.


Since its launch this spring, Ozon3 has been used extensively in lounges, bars, medical and retail offices, apartment complexes, and private homes. Some of their most satisfied customers are those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and want to have the virus completely eradicated from their living spaces. If that doesn’t give you peace of mind about your own home’s cleanliness, I doubt that anything will.

Airborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, laughing, and close personal contact or aerosolization of the microbe. The discharged microbes remain suspended in the air on dust particles, respiratory and water droplets.

Our Ozon3 treatments are powerful enough to deodorize and sterilize your space from any odors, mold, bacteria, viruses, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). With today’s pathogens, it is highly recommended to eliminate threatening pathogens in large rooms, offices, hotels, restaurants, labs, pet zones, basements, garages, hospitals, schools, water and fire damaged areas, and more!

Ozon3 is offering a special price for readers of Vegas Unfiltered. Mention this article to get a rate of $165 per 1,000 square feet of space.

You should know that I am not receiving any financial compensation for this endorsement. I respect this business and its founder, therefore I recommend it as a service to my readers. 

Ozon3 is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 7pm. Call 702.906.0320 for more information or to schedule an appointment. You can also visit their official Facebook page or website

Photos: Sam Novak, Ozon3





Author: Sam Novak

Fitness buff, outspoken critic/blogger focusing on shows, restaurants, events and performers in Las Vegas. Freelancer for Las Vegas Magazine, Staff writer for BestOfVegas.com. Former contributing editor for VegasChatter and former deputy editor for VegasBright...

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