Grab Your Boots and Stetson for ‘BLICK LINEDANCE’

Sin City Dancing Returns in an exciting All-American way…

Yes, it’s true that Las Vegas is back. And if the packed airline flights that I’ve recently taken are any indication, that’s the way it’s going to stay. Restaurants, pools, and shows have opened up to increased capacity, and more fun and freedom are on the horizon. But what about dancing???

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Photos from mid-April 2021

The pathway to reopening nightclubs in our new era is going to be tricky. Too bad there aren’t any outdoor dancing venues around town to speak of. But award-winning line dancer George Blick has a plan to make COVID-safe line dancing the latest Sin City trend. 

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Gallery by Vinnie Cassidy…

“Line Dancing improves stamina, muscle tone and coordination, is a great stress buster and energy booster. Dancing is a unique form of exercise because it provides the heart-healthy benefits of an aerobic exercise while allowing you to engage in a social activity. It’s a community, and it’s all about having fun” says George.

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If you are in the camp that doesn’t find this activity to be appealing or hip, you might be in for a big surprise. Despite being a skeptic myself, I joined George and his crew, pre-pandemic, for an evening of fun at Stoney’s Rocking Country at Town Square. The youthful crowd was extremely high-energy and raucous, and all eyes turned towards George when he entered the dance floor. It’s quite a sight.

Blick Linedance began a YouTube Channel in October 2019, long before COVID-19 changed our way of life. An accompanying Facebook Page and official website keep fans up-to-date on the latest classes and events. George’s tutorials blend socializing, physical fitness and a love for good ole country music into a rip-roaring great time. Fortunately, the need for distancing of participants is built right into the checkerboard format. So…win-win!

169621015_542477543822771_7174071611073932316_n“The only way to keep the fire going is to outrun the wind.” – George Blick 

If the name “George Blick” seems familiar to you, it should. I’ve featured this handsome devil in an in-depth profile as well as an essay on Celebrity Quarantine Fitness.  The native of Whales played the role of “Stefan” in SEX TIPS at Paris Las Vegas, is a cast member of Mosaic‘s Aussie Heat and host of the new Rock Candy Male Revue at Alexis Park Resort.

Dancing has always been George’s passion. The Laine Theater Arts graduate holds six consecutive World Championship titles, has performed for the Queen, entertained aboard cruise ships, and shared his talents in over fifty countries. 

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On May 1st, George will be heading to California Ranch Company in Temecula for an outdoor festival. The EDGE DANCE EVENT invites guests to grab their camping gear, hook up their RV’s and prepare for a boot-scooting good time. Tickets and registration are available here


Closer to home, Blick Line Dance holds beginner and intermediate classes in Las Vegas for those yearning to get out and enjoy themselves in a safer setting. Sessions take place Mondays (beginner) and Wednesdays (intermediate) at 9am inside Seniors Helping Seniors. Their center is located at 451 E. Bonanza Road. Classes last one hour and are quite a bargain at only five dollars each. Click here for more details. 


Going forward, George would like to take advantage of warmer weather to bring line dancing “out to the streets”. He’s actively seeking venues with large spaces, paved surfaces and courtyards to launch concepts like “Linedance Brunch”, early-evening nightclub socials and the like. Perhaps it’s time to bring flash mobs back to the Fremont Street Experience

Vegas is back on its feet, and it’s time to bring a little “country” to Sin City. If you have a performance venue, group, club, or special event that could use an infusion of fun, contact George Blick to see what he can bring to the floor. You can reach him right here

Photos: George Blick, Sam Novak, Vinnie Cassidy

Bring the Excitement of Vegas to Your Home with ‘Virtual Experiences’

‘Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition’ and ‘Chippendales’ are just two of many Sin City favorites to enjoy under your own roof…

So, you’ve binge-watched every Netflix series and reruns of “FRIENDS” are making you want to hit the “unfriend” button. What’s a quarantined Vegas junkie to do? Well, if you saw yesterday’s article on the Mondays Dark Live Stream Telethon, you know that Sin City is doing its best to make you happy…while keeping its own artistic muscles in shape for an eventual ramp-up.

As efforts to assist furloughed entertainers are underway, you’re undoubtedly going through your own form of Sin City withdrawal. Now you can gather your fellow Vegas fans (following social-distancing guidelines, of course) and organize a virtual party for honest-to-goodness Las Vegas experiences. They’re brought to you by the same people who make your in-person visits so memorable.


Followers of my contributions to Las Vegas Magazine and know that I’ve penned several articles on TITANIC: The Artifact Exhibition. This self-guided attraction is the biggest collection of recovered articles in this world. Inside are splendid recreations of the decks, staterooms, cabins and more. Immersive special effects allow you to experience the freezing air, feel the throb of the massive engines, and listen to voices from the past.

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TITANIC: The Virtual Experience, is a newly-launched 3-dimensional tour of Luxor‘s 25,000 square foot attraction. It’s accessible on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. The virtual experience is available at two price levels – the Light Version for $5 and the Full Version for $15. Both price levels are accessible for one week and can be renewed at the point of purchase. Options include these benefits:

Light Version – $5

  • Virtual walkthrough of the 13 galleries inside the 25,000 square feet exhibition
  • Detailed information and photos of each artifact on display
  • View what life was like aboard the “Ship of Dreams” through full-scale room re-creations of the Grand Staircase, Promenade Deck, Veranda Café, and more
  • View the largest piece ever recovered, a 15-ton portion of the Ship’s hull
  • Learn about conservation and recovery efforts of the artifacts recovered from the ocean floor

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Full Version – $15

  • All offerings of the basic tour experience
  • Audio tour available in multiple languages
  • Exclusive video content
    • Dive Expedition 2010 – Video of artifacts as they are being recovered from the wreck site at the ocean floor
    • Dive Expedition 2010 – Video of curators on board the recovery ship discussing the artifacts immediately after they were pulled from the ocean floor
    • Dive Expedition 2010 – Video from Titanic’s wreck site, including underwater footage of the Ship’s bow, stern, vast debris field, and more
  • Animated timeline of Titanic from the point of striking the iceberg to the sinking
  • Additional facts and information about Titanic, the wreck site, artifacts, personal stories of her passengers and crew

For more information, visit


If you’re looking for something a little less “educational” and a lot more “titillating”, then perhaps you might want to investigate Chippendales@Home, a new interactive virtual experience. Chippendales@Home allows you and your squad to hang out and party with the world-famous hunks live in your own homes.

Chat, flirt, play games, get or give a virtual lap dance – you’ll get to know the Chippendales performers in your own intimate group setting as they host your party making sure your night is special and memorable. Each 30-minute party will feature at least two Chippendales cast members and utilizes the streaming platforms ZOOM, House Party, FaceTime, and Google Hangout.

In addition to Chippendales@Home, the brand has been cranking out online experiences as people are urged to stay inside. Recent digital offerings include at-home workouts with cast members, Instagram Live chats with alumnus of the brand, and light-hearted digital content such as one of its current cast members performing a lap dance for a 12-pack of toilet paper.

As a limited-time thank-you to those who are keeping us safe and healthy, Chippendales is offering Chippendales@Home free to health care workers and first responders. Ticket-holders whose shows were postponed also receive the experience free of charge. For more info or to arrange your own virtual party, visit this link or call 866-CHIPP999.


If you’re a fan of the long-running SUPERNATURAL series on CW Network, you were probably excited for the annual convention at RIO Las Vegas in March. Sadly, the virus was just beginning to spread and some of you might have opted to avoid the crowds and wait for next year’s star-studded gala.


Now in an innovative move, Creation Entertainment has scheduled a virtual SUPERNATURAL convention with the participation of three fan favorites. Beginning Saturday, April 18th and running through Saturday, April 25th, director Richard Speight, Jr. and stars Lisa Berry (Billie) and Ruth Connell (Rowena) will host a series of Q & A sessions, chats, tarot card readings, invocations and more.


What makes this event unique is that a portion of proceeds will go to charities and non-profits like Meals On Wheels, St. Michaels Hospital (Toronto) and Random Acts. For some sessions, participants are asked to pay what they can. Auctions will be held to join in on events designed for a limited number of fans.

To register for the SUPERNATURAL Virtual-Con, click HERE. Participants should create user accounts on the platforms ZOOM and StageIt in advance. Creation Entertainment also brings the official Star Trek Convention to Rio Las Vegas each year.

Whitney Phoenix Strikes a Chord at Bellagio Las Vegas

In addition to these large-scale offerings, there is a wide variety of concerts, intimate performances and live chats being broadcast, as well as the at-home workouts and dance classes I told you about right here.


Bellagio‘s beloved lounge pianist Whitney Phoenix and singer/actress/comedienne wife Marianne LeMoine Phoenix (50 Pounds From Stardom) shared this marvelous evening recently.

Whitney also took to the keyboard for a solo set while Marianne fielded requests from viewers:

The smooth and classy Craig Canter has been giving regular performances from his own virtual lounge that he calls  “The Piano Room”:

Westgate‘s favorite crooner Mark O’Toole brought us some big band highlights. He sent video clips and updates from the cruise ship he was “stranded” on for an extended time, hoping for a port to disembark at and return to the States. Combine that with canceled flights and missing luggage, and it’s safe to say that poor Mark endured the kind of adventure that movies are made about.

Despite weeks of madness and uncertainty, Mark took a break from relaxing to assist in beloved artist Neal Portnoy‘s efforts to raise funds for out-of-work performers. Portnoy created a collection of custom mugs, each featuring a local entertainer immortalized in the artist’s unique style. Get yours by clicking here, and check out this extremely funny video:

The marvelous David Goldrake, whose IMAGINARIUM magic production at Tropicana garnered my “Best New Show of 2018”, has been entertaining internet audiences with a series of tricks and lessons:

If you know of any other Vegas virtual experiences, online entertainment or events that you’d like to be added to this article, please leave a comment or email me:

COVID-19 Aftermath – Shows Most Likely (and Least Likely) To Return

Taking a hard and painful look at the Vegas entertainment landscape as Sin City’s quarantine drags on…

As a devoted enthusiast of Sin City entertainment, it pains me to think of the hundreds of gifted performers currently out of work during the pandemic shutdown. Devoted to a volatile industry in which success is never guaranteed, many artists work multiple jobs and/or share living expenses just to get by. Combine this with a lack of adequate health care and spotty unemployment compensation, and it wouldn’t be surprising if many struggling entertainers decide to leave the city…or the industry altogether.

Sadly, there’s a likelihood that numerous residencies and production shows will decide to fold (or have their lifeline unceremoniously yanked) once the ramp-up begins. How this plays out is anyone’s guess, but I’ve been doing my own pondering on what changes lie ahead. Keep in mind that my conclusions aren’t in any way a reflection of quality…or lack thereof. Instead, I’ve considered factors such as pre-virus buzz, operation overhead (costs), post-virus marketability, name recognition, longevity, and brand loyalty.


I might be completely wrong on these predictions or right on the money. Your guess is as good as mine. We won’t know until it actually happens, but here’s my list of shows that might weather the storm. And those that I believe will most certainly blow away.

Very Likely To Return –


David Saxe Productions – the long and colorful list produced by David Saxe amounts to a well-oiled machine. His self-named theater inside Planet Hollywood’s Miracle Mile Shops and nearby V Theater churn out hits like Vegas! The Show, Zombie Burlesque, V – The Ultimate Variety Show and many more. Saxe is a master of efficiency and knows how to run and market his business. His children will survive just fine.


ABSINTHE – (Update – reopened on October 28th with vastly reduced seating)

Spiegelworld‘s naughty alternative to Cirque du Soleil is an instant hit that would have celebrated its ninth anniversary on April 1st. The bawdy burlesque ABSINTHE has spun off two successful companion productions and shows no sign of slowing down. Relatively low overhead (an outdoor tent, pre-recorded music, and simple props) should help it to last through a sluggish restart (if that’s how things play out, that is).

Other Spiegelworld titles OPIUM and ATOMIC SALOON SHOW might not have it so easy. Their out-of-the-way locations inside expensive Cosmopolitan and Venetian/Palazzo might prove to be a bigger challenge in the long run. Cosmo‘s costly parking fees make OPIUM an easy pass for locals, too. (Update 5/19/20 – Cosmopolitan has announced its intentions to discontinue parking fees)


“O” at Bellagio – Despite a mountain of debt that Cirque du Soleil is carrying, it’s unlikely that they’ll allow their highest-profile Vegas production to fold. Since “O” is synonymous with the Bellagio image (just like its outdoor fountains and seasonal conservatory displays) it’s easy to envision the resort taking ownership of the show if it came down to that (Steve Wynn did that with Le Reve). “O” is still a very popular draw despite two decades and thousands of performances. Not my cup of tea, but for many tourists, it’s a must-see.


CELESTIA – my insiders at CELESTIA assure me that the fledgling big-top production is on solid ground. STRAT Hotel Casino has a strong financial stake. which seems to be a common thread in the current make-or-break environment. Four-wallers (independent contractors) will suffer while casino-owned shows are likely to last. It all comes down to money.

Sex Tips For Straight Women from a Gay Man – This is an easy one to envision continuing. An extremely Vegas-y premise, an attractive local cast and very low overhead within an intimate theater setting. What’s not to love?

Solo and Lounge Acts – Our deeply-fractured economy is going to have a ripple effect on both consumers and the products they offer. Returning guests with limited discretionary income will most likely avoid the high-ticket attractions. That’s where one-man/woman shows come to the rescue.

With low overhead and a simple format, solo acts can offer solid entertainment and a retro vibe while passing the savings onto their audiences. Look for returning favorites like Mike Hammer, Murray Sawchuck, Carrot Top, Xavier Mortimer, Jen Kramer and maybe even the once-popular Gordie Brown to shine brighter in the spotlight. I anticipate that bloated, self-serving star vehicles like Criss Angel – Mindfreak Live and Mariah Carey‘s endless residencies will go down in flames, though. Darn.



Expensive mega-residencies could also feel the same heat. Last year people were forking over a grand or more to StubHub for Lady Gaga tickets. Who has that kind of money now? Even though Paula Abdul‘s lip-syncing stomp-fest at the Flamingo couldn’t warrant a $49 price tag last fall, her short-lived residency now seems like a million years ago. Look for a glut of similar shows (like Derek Hough: No Limit), along with the resurgence of intimate lounge acts, to tide us over until the economy…and Vegas…rebounds.

Say Farewell –

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Blue Man Group (Update 6/30/20 The cast of Blue Man Group has been laid off by parent company Cirque du Soleil)

They’re old, tired, and as cliched as the fanny pack strapped around your cargo shorts. The trio of silent weirdos known as Blue Man Group is as annoying as those outdoor escalators that are constantly “under service”. Luxor‘s long-running production returned to the pyramid a few years ago, after more than a decade at Venetian and Monte Carlo. Now they’re in a much smaller venue and it’s easy to forget that they’re still around. Maybe COVID-19 will be the nudge that gets them to squeeze their final Twinkie.


Human Nature (Update – permanent closure announced 6/10/20) –

It really upsets me to have this one on the list, but the Aussie quartet known as Human Nature appears to have been struggling for a while. I’ve been to the show a number of times in the past twelve months, and attendance has been anemic during each and every visit. Their live band has been downsized as a cost-cutting measure and the dancers were given a pink slip before that. They’ve also jettisoned the “Jukebox” format and returned to the Motown sound that put them in the U.S. limelight.


Magic Mike Live (Update – Sahara opening postponed once again to August 2021) –

                               We can wait even longer for this execrable slop to return….

The movie-inspired male revue received a scathing write-up from me upon its debut (deservedly so). Yet, the man-bashing mess, hosted by a shrill, leather-clad harpy who never shuts her f*cking mouth, somehow managed to become a hit. Still, the closure of Hard Rock Hotel sent the strippers dancers off into the sunset last year.

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Audiences were promised a spring relaunch at the newly-rebranded Sahara Hotel, yet an official debut date was never set and tickets have yet to go on sale. The 360-degree format requires a custom-built arena that Sahara didn’t have, so costly construction was required. Alas, an insider told me that the venue’s build-out was halted many weeks before the shutdown, suggesting that the bump-and-grind may actually be over. Today’s visit to the official website reveals that the word “spring” was removed, most likely due to the shutdown. Or are revised negotiations holding things back?

During the interim, MML has gone global with residencies in London, Berlin, Sydney, and Melbourne, so a pricey Vegas space is no longer a top priority for the franchise. Sahara Hotel has yet to prove itself as a hip destination, as demonstrated by the premature shuttering of similar-themed Blanc de Blanc. Combine that with the perpetual postponements of nearby Fontainebleau/The Drew and Resorts World, and things are looking pretty dead for Magic Mike Live.


Cirque du Soleil 

Update 6/30/20 – Cirque du Soleil announced today that they have filed for bankruptcy protection and have eliminated 3,500 jobs…

I know what you’re thinking – “But you just said that “O” was safe?!?!?!?!”. True enough. But in our new reality, Vegas cannot sustain six (already down from eight) of what is basically the same show…especially at $150 and up for decent seats.

According to, Cirque owes more that $1.25 billion to creditors. MGM Resorts operates five of their six Vegas shows and is known to brutally slice away expenses wherever and whenever possible. So who gets their trapezes pulled? I’m looking at KA, The Beatles LOVE, and maybe Michael Jackson ONE.


Hanging In The Balance/Probably Safe –

MYSTERE – the longest-running Vegas Cirque show follows its own set of rules since Treasure Island operates separately from MGM Resorts. MYSTERE is smaller in scale and has the lowest ticket prices. The others have massive sets, live musicians, huge casts and expensive automation that requires an entire team of technicians to operate and maintain. SO…..overhead…


ZUMANITY – (Update 11/16/20 permanent closure announced)

Never a critical darling or fan favorite, but this one might not be in real jeopardy. It has many of the advantages that MYSTERE enjoys (smaller cast, intimate venue, lower ticket prices), and has already trimmed back its musicians and singers. But despite the adult-skewing format, ZUMANITY now pales in comparison to raunchy offerings from Spiegelworld. So once again, your guess is as good as mine.


Le Reve – (Update 8/14/20 permanent closure announced)

Wynn‘s signature production was never an out-and-out hit (some still believe it’s part of Cirque du Soleil fifteen years in), but it’s a critical darling and those who know it, love it. Le Reve is also owned by Wynn/Encore, which has deep pockets and an image to protect. When Steve Wynn’s own SHOWSTOPPERS was shuttered, massive shockwaves rippled through the entertainment community. That’s unlikely to happen again.

‘WOW: The Las Vegas Spectacular’ Celebrates Two Years on the Strip

WOW: The Vegas Spectacular – another budget-friendly production that hung in there despite the competition, WOW could in fact raise its profile and attendance numbers in the months ahead. Room rates at host hotel RIO start at a ridiculously-cheap $10 (plus resort fees/taxes) for the first half of May, so if the city actually opens, expect a pilgrimage to the aging off-Strip resort.

Sister production EXTRAVAGANZA missed its debut date at Bally’s last month and could possibly be in jeopardy. The cast of performers came from Israel and has yet to log a single hour in front of a paying audience. Housing the entire cast during quarantine is no doubt chipping away at the show’s reserves. Whether that could bring WOW down as well involves legalities that aren’t known to me. But from the outside looking in, it’s a pretty grim picture for EXTRAVAGANZA.

What are your thoughts, predictions and opinions? Feel free to add your comments or email me at

‘Quarantine Fitness’ With Sin City Celebs

Vegas performers and influencers share their tips for staying healthy while at home….


A strong body and clear mind both aid in warding off infection. They also help in reducing stress during these tenuous times, Nobody knows for certain how long the quarantine will last, but when restrictions are lifted, the stars of the Strip will need to be in top shape and ready for their first night back.

Vegas locals work hard to make your Vegas visit something worth treasuring. And just like you, they’re facing a lockdown that has not only put them out of work but confined their activities to the home. Spouses MaKenzie Fly (Sex Tips) and Colin Cahill (Atomic Saloon Show) have been working overtime to entertain everyone via their new page Mak and the Cheese. It’s packed with wit, skits and original songs to make you laugh. Here’s a sample:

Some have been sharing their tips to stay in peak physical condition, and you can join them in their quest for optimal health. Whether you’re limited to household objects and portable resistance bands or have a full gym set-up on your patio…get out there, use it and be safe.

                  Hunter Hobbs with a special message for Vegas Unfiltered readers…    


Muscle Up!

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The world-famous hardbodies of Chippendales male revue were some of the first on the scene with online fitness tips. Profile recipient Ryan Worley caught the eye of TMZ for a pair of video tutorials that launched the Chippendales series. Using everyday objects like almond-milk jugs, pillows, and staircases, Worley demonstrates how to tighten your glutes and build upper-body strength.


Aided by Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack”, towering hardbody Pat Tanksi shows how he stays limber and flexible. His handsome canine companion “Geno” donned a trademark collar and bowtie to join his dad for a set of slinky moves.  You can expect more helpful videos from the men of Chippendales in the days ahead. Be sure to see the guys in person when Chippendales – The Las Vegas Show returns.

Le Reve – The Dream at Wynn boasts a cast of 60 gorgeous guys and girls. They’re a stunning collection of athletes that dive, flip, sail through the air and dance on water. Muscular lead performer Alexander Stabler is known for his graceful movements, strong legs and world-class gluteal development. Here he keeps “dat ass” firm by performing squats in a driveway, using his partner in place of a squat rack. There’s also a breakdown of Alexander’s cross-fit plan, with weight provided by stone-filled backpacks.

The erotic side of Cirque du Soleil comes to life in ZUMANITY at New York NY. Longtime cast member Wayne Skivington (read his Vegas Unfiltered profile HERE) stays in top condition year-round, whether at the theatre’s training room or in his own home. Here he works up a sweat in the back yard, pounding a sledgehammer onto some concrete.

Westgate‘s Soul of Motown features a five-member cast with lush vocals and nonstop dancing. During the production’s hiatus, vocalist Brandon Godfrey has been featuring his “Quarantine Fitness” regime on Facebook. Regular physical activity keeps his body as tight as the show’s gorgeous harmonies.

Jennifer Romas shares the Westgate Cabaret with Soul of Motown‘s cast. Her successful SEXXY has performed hundreds of shows in the gorgeous space. The production’s creator and star continues to rehearse and will be ready to excite audiences when the doors reopen.

“Men of Sapphire” offers a masculine take on the traditional stripper club bump-and-grind. Their billboards feature Roberto Alejandro Granados, an absurdly handsome accomplished dancer who’s been involved in large-scale productions like Jeff TimmonsMEN OF THE STRIP and Chippendales offshoot 53X.


Here, Roberto demonstrates how to keep your abs tight, using the Dual Ab Roller, an easy to use piece of equipment that’s readily available at for under $12. Click HERE to order.


Gunnar Walcavich is a real live “Ivan Drago”. Much like the mountain of muscle from Rocky IV and Creed II, Gunnar aka “The Big Gun” is a boxer of Russian descent. He’s also six feet four inch of power, energy and drive. But unlike the villainous character made famous by actor Dolph Lundgren, this resident of Henderson is kind, caring and funny!

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Now an NFPT-accredited personal trainer, Gunnar hosts online fitness sessions. However, he prefers the one-on-one approach, where he can focus on the “personal” aspects of personal training. He’ll even do personalized visits in your home. Once an overweight young man with a goal to go “from zero to hero”, he’s transformed his own body and can do the same for you.


Here’s what Gunnar has to say about fitness in regards to the COVID-19 situation:

During the pandemic, I know money‘s been tight for people so I’ve been accommodating rates for everyone. They started out at $35 a session, but because of the pandemic I’ve been doing $20 a session. The sessions last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes and create a very intense HIIT (high intensity interval training).


Whether you’re just starting out or looking to up your game, personal training opens new doors to health, confidence and inner peace. To learn more or arrange an appointment, text Gunnar Walcavich at 608-622-5945 or send an email to

All In The Family


We’re always wishing to have more time with our families. Now that it’s here, you can make the most of the situation by having your loved ones join in on your workouts. Adam D. Tucker aka “Vegas McGraw” was recently featured in my Hot Guys of Vegas column. His spot-on impersonation of Tim McGraw draws in fans from around the country. But it’s Adam’s bulging arms and gleaming pecs that earned him a spot in the segment.


Here, Adam uses his son Beau for added weight in a garage workout that’s as fun as it is effective.



Parent/child routines are a great way to establish habits that will last a lifetime. Of course, heading out to the sidewalk for some biking (or a stroll with the wagon) are perfect photo opportunities, too. So enjoy the eye candy and take to the streets (or the yard) to burn off those unwanted calories. Just remember to observe social distancing guidelines to protect yourself and your neighbors.



Musician Haini Wolfgramm is one of the founding members of The JETS, the phenomenal pop group from Tonga that swept the world. The JETS – The ’80s & ’90s Experience is an awesome concert event that you’ll want to enjoy over and over…once it returns to Planet Hollywood‘s V Theater, that is (read my full review HERE).

Haini is a fitness enthusiast who seemingly spends as much time at the gym as he does behind his guitar. Keeping those biceps pumped to the max has become a family experience, thanks to a backyard gym that’s getting everyone into shape and keeping them happy until the quarantine is lifted.

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Wayne Skivington gets a special mention in the “family” category, too.  Young son Rowan is quickly following in his father’s footsteps with an athletic prowess that would make teenagers and grown men envious. Follow the Skivington’s father/son workouts on Instagram by clicking HERE.

We are all in this together. Let’s use this time to disconnect from society but reconnect at home. I’m going to be posting some in-home workouts ideas to do with your children. Have fun, it will mean more to them than you might think.

– Wayne Skivington

When a city is overflowing with professional entertainers, it’s not surprising that those who cover the scene can hold their own, too. Greenspun Media publisher Jamal Parker and gorgeous wife Mackenzie Marshall Parker (The Doll Factory) show how the family gets loose with this splendid TikTok dance:

Alberto del Campo is a longtime Sin City resident who’s performed in huge acrobatic productions like Le Reve, KA and now The Beatles LOVE. His two boys Alex and Zach have inherited dad’s athleticism. They’re also members of the LOVE cast.


Here, Alberto gathers his sons along with wife Genevieve for a fun roller-skate workout that they like to do poolside. You might find it to be a bit of a challenge, but for the energetic Del Campos, this is just another day. of fitness fun.

If you’re a newbie to roller blades or could use some help with brushing up on the basics, fear not. The magnetic and talented Del Campo boys have launched their own YouTube channel. Here’s one of their tutorials:


Dance As If Nobody’s Watching

Sure, the beach clubs are dried up for now and the nightspots have gone dark. But when ya gotta dance, ya gotta dance. Party people have been taking to their back yards, front yards, driveways, patios…and even the streets…in order to shake their groove thang.

Endia Abrante of is been streamlining her diet and using an E-Stim ab belt to keep things nice and tight for when the clubs reopen. Recently the entrepreneur/deejay/aerialist/duck rancher strapped on some rollerblades and donned a unicorn-themed onesie to blow off some steam.

Later came the glowsticks and a neon party costume to throw a solo virtual rave. Fortunately, her best friend Dusty Demetria was there to document the invitation-only affair. If you haven’t followed Endia’s outrageous Facebook page, you’re really missing out.


Bad boy Kris Davis is one of those guys who does what he wants when he wants to do it, and the name of the game is “fun”. The beefy host at Golden Nugget‘s Troy Liquor Bar was bitten by the dance bug a long time ago.

A veteran of Vegas male revues, Davis continues to move and groove whenever the mood hits him. A crowded market, the heart of the casino floor, or even the top level of a parking garage…when this big boy wants to dance, feel free to join him. Otherwise, get the heck out of the way.

Relentlessly funny man James Michael aka the Redneck Magician has been posting a series of videos from his parking lot. No doubt the neighbors enjoy watching his antics from behind the protective glass of their windows. And you can catch his roller-disco antics by visiting his Facebook page. Then check out his show when Redneck Comedy Magic returns to The STRAT.

Remote-Access Class Action


Sexy celebrities like THOR’s Chris Hemsworth have been sharing online tips and virtual classes to get your body into superhero condition. In the spirit of giving, most of them are free.

Hi there all, during this period of self isolation and uncertainty, I am offering six weeks of my health and fitness program @Centrfit for FREE! Go to and sign-up.
Centr was founded to make health and happiness accessible to all, and I hope that this will make that access even easier during the current global health crisis.
I think now more than ever is when we need to focus on what I believe to be the 3 key pillars to living healthier and happier- movement, nutrition, and mental fitness.

– Chris Hemsworth

Here in Sin City, we’ve got several heroic figures who are donating their time, sharing their talents and generously giving you the shirt off their backs.

Pole-fitness enthusiast Alberto Del Campo (see above) was also featured in my Hot Guys of Vegas column. Since the COVID-19 quarantine went into effect, he’s been offering free online pole fitness classes via his Instagram page. Click HERE to follow Alberto and get in on the action.


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Regular attendees to the annual Mr. Olympia Fitness Expo are sure to recognize entrepreneur Tim McComsey.  The registered dietician/trainer has been uploading Social Distancing workouts on his YouTube channel. He also offers virtual workouts through Zoom, Skype and FaceTime. Follow this link to visit Tim’s Facebook page and send him a personal message. Sign up for one of his TrymFIT programs, tell Tim that Vegas Unfiltered sent you and you’ll get extra supplements perks!


Dancer/actor George Blick (Sex Tips, Aussie Heat) is a rhinestone cowboy of sorts. The big-city hunk has a little bit of country in him, as he’s an award-winning line dancer. George is gearing up to present a live line-dance class soon. Visit George’s Facebook page to keep posted on when the next one will take place.

You might remember this profile article I wrote on Teresa Van – Trainer to the Stars. Teresa is offering online training courses (for a fee) along with free videos that you call follow along at home. Click HERE to view Teresa’s online information and get started right away.


                      Makenzie Fly and Colin Cahill are “Mak and the Cheese”…

Makenzie Fly is a respected performer and also a skilled instructor of yoga. Husband Colin Cahill filled me in on what they’re up to in the days ahead:

Kenzie’s teaching live yoga class Monday on Instagram (click here for her page), and probably Facebook too if we can figure out how to stream both simultaneously. When it comes to our exercise for this it’s been primarily bodyweight workouts in the living room, running stairs in our apartment, yoga, and lifting heavy foods from the fridge to our faces. I’ve got those resistance bands you posted about a while back shipping to us currently.

But honestly, it’s been a huge struggle to try to stay active. I’ve definitely been putting on the poundage this past week so we started hitting the workouts hard this week. Our new song “Quarantine 15” more accurately represents our fitness journey since the shutdown.

Makenzie also has a YouTube channel to help you get started in the world of yoga. Here’s the intro to her video series:

For all people curious about yoga! This channel is meant to be a no-excuses platform. Got 5 minutes? Let’s practice. It’s not meant to be perfect. Don’t think, just do. Anytime, any place!


Until very recently, MaKenzie shared the Sex Tips stage with handsome “Hot Guys of Vegas” recipient Shyllon Melatti (read his Vegas Unfiltered profile right HERE). While the actor/singer/dancer/model prepares for a juicy new role (I’m sworn to secrecy) he and his partner have used the quarantine downtime to raise an adorable rescue kitten named “Merlot”.

And while being a pet parent can be physically exhausting at times, it takes more than a sprinkle of catnip to keep Shyllon’s stunning torso in check. You can find out how he does it by joining a live workout on Instagram. The session takes place Saturday 4/11 at 9am PST. The full-body workout requires no equipment and is free. Click HERE to participate.


Be sure to keep plenty of water and a towel handy, because “Master Melatti” knows how to make you sweat.

The stunning acrobatic couple of Mary Wolfe and Tyce Nielsen is professionally known as Duo Transcend. The America’s Got Talent favorites had just signed on to join CELESTIA at The STRAT when COVID-19 rolled into town, shutting down every show on the Strip.


While waiting to finally live their dream of a Vegas gig, Duo Transcend has been hard at work on…working out. They’re teaching live classes via the ZOOM app and have posted 30-minute no-equipment workouts that you can access right here:

If you or any of your Vegas friends are offering online fitness tips or classes, send an email to and I’ll be sure to update this article with the information. Be smart, be safe, and be strong. 



Hot Guys of Vegas: Shyllon Melatti

Sin City native is the latest cast member to sizzle at CHIPPENDALES…

Stop it. Just stop it! We mere mortals can only handle so much sex appeal on one stage. Blame the people at Chippendales for raising body temps…and maybe even contributing to global climate change. But here we are once more with another absurdly sexy cast member…and this time his name is Shyllon Melatti.

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If you’ve seen the outrageous adult comedy “Sex Tips” at Paris Hotel, you’ve probaby already experienced plenty of Shyllon as “Stefan”. He joined a cast of handsome pleasures like Jai Rodriguez, Douglas Katch Gray, Mark Gregory Melton, and Louis D’Aprile, who all portrayed the wacky sex advisor “Dan Anderson”. There have been gorgeous ladies like Kendra Wilkinson, Katie Kenner, and the current MaKenzie Fly as tightly-wound “Miss Brown”.


But it’s the character of ‘Stefan’ that has the most….er…”exposure” in this modern retelling of “My Fair Lady”. The hunky and linguistically-challenged stud earns a living as the lecture’s lights-and-sound tech. But when the moment arises, he’s called upon by Dan to strip down for a variety of demonstrations. The immigrant protests, of course (“Stefan is not stripper. I am scientist!”). That is until audience reaction sways him into a boom-chicka-wow-wow frame of mind.

Previous cast members Chris Hodgson, George Blick, and Colin Cahill have given their all for awesome interpretations of “Stefan”…and each has been featured in this column (for obvious reasons). Then the role went to our title man Shyllon Melatti. I was fortunate to be in the audience for Shyllon’s premiere performance. The gasps when he disrobed rippled through the audience…much like his stunning abs (see what I did there?).

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Shyllon is represented by TNG Models right here in Las Vegas. The six-foot hunk boasts a 40-inch chest, chiseled 32-inch waist, brown hair, and brown eyes. His distinctive scruff is even more appealing when he slips on a pair of eyeglasses. But you’ll be wanting Shyllon (rhymes with “nylon”) to slip out of those designer outfits and into something a lot less confining.

A self-described goofball, the Las Vegas native has appeared as the handsome lead in films like Goodbye (2011) and Hooked (2012). Athletic and adventurous, Shyllon loves the outdoors as much as he adores dogs and cats. Rock climbing, snow skiing, bicycling, camping, and diving into a waterfall…they’re all just a normal day for Mr. Melatti.

Much like his character, Shyllon is as academic as he is attractive. The UNLV graduate earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and lists himself as Executive Assistant at Daniel Franzese Entertainment. Previously a brand ambassador for Rockstar Energy Drink, he was once a lifeguard at Mandalay Bay’s DAYLIGHT BEACH CLUB (swoon).

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Shyllon’s dabbled in the music industry at Lava Records and done charitable work through Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada (RTSNV) and as a Big Brother for Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada. And did I mention that he loves cats? (yeah, that one is worth mentioning twice).

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Sex Tips was Shyllon’s first role in a live stage production, and he clearly made quite an impression. In the early part of this year, his role was re-acquired by George Blick so that Shyllon could take on hosting duties at Chippendales. Alas, the pandemic shutdown had other plans.

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So for the time being, Shyllon and the rest of the Chippendales cast are up for grabs via Chippendales@Home. You and your friends can book a personal online party with the boys. Dance, chat, play naughty games and more. Check out my article right here for all the details.

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If you absolutely MUST see this hunk in person right away, Mr. Melatti is flaunting his biceps while pouring drinks at brand new The Garden. The swanky, stylish restaurant/lounge just opened in downtown’s Arts District and is spearheaded by nightlife impresario Eduardo Cordova. Click this link to learn more about The Garden. Then make reservations to spend the evening with Shyllon and his steamy colleagues.

While I can’t guarantee that Shyllon will take off his shirt for you from behind the bar, he just might flash his abs if you buy a round of shots. And you can always request a personal Chippendales Cameo message from him before he returns to the stage at Rio Las Vegas sometime soon.




By George, We Have Another Star!

Actor/dancer/model George Blick is ready for his moment….


                                                      George Blick

Where you’ve seen him – Sex Tips For Straight Women, Aussie Heat

EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to technical issues, spacing may appear compressed in certain sections of this article. Please be patient as we try to resolve the problem.

George Blick may be new to the Vegas entertainment scene, but he’s been wowing audiences across the globe since he was a young teen. The native of Wales was only a boy when he went to watch his grandmother’s line-dancing classes. Fascinated by what he’d experienced, George was encouraged by instructor Stephanie Harris to give it a try. A short time later, George was starting in a class with about thirty other children.


It’s easy to see that the Blick family carries natural talent in its genes. Entering line dance competitions at the age of ten, George was Junior World Champion by thirteen. Numerous accolades followed including six World Masters, three British Masters and five European line-dance championships.


You don’t get that far in your field without some appreciation. For George the reward came in the form of a full scholarship to Laine Theater Arts College, located in the town of Epsom (Surrey, England). This respected institute prepares aspiring performers for success in the worlds of dancing, singing and acting…ensuring that their newest student would progress even further.

By the age of twenty-one, Blick had branched out into Latin American, ballroom and disco dance genres. Still, he’s glad that line-dancing gave him his start. He feels it’s the perfect representation of coordination, posture and style.


Of course, being a handsome and charming young man with an electric smile and sandy hair helped him segue into modeling gigs and talent shows. There were photo shoots for calendars, clothing campaigns and print ads. He was even a finalist for the 2011 title of Mister Wales, an annual charity fundraiser.


Looking good is a requirement for George’s featured roles. They require a hot body, style, lots of swagger and confidence galore. But not a lot of clothing. That doesn’t mean that George is a stranger to dressing up for the right part:


I have done many modeling gigs, including catwalks at wedding events. I’ve also modeled for Dyfed Menswear, which is Wales’ biggest wedding suit “hire” (rental) company.

Like his recently-profiled friends Alejandro and Sarah Domingo, George eventually found himself in Hollywood Florida, rehearsing for shows on the Royal Caribbean cruise lines.

I first came to the United States with my family when I was around 10 years old. We went to Disneyland and Universal Studios on a holiday. The next time was working at Royal Caribbean for seven years as one of their dancers.

It was at that time that love swept George off his feet…by someone he was regularly lifting into the air. Her name was Emily Yates, a lovely singer/dancer from Apple Valley, California. The two just celebrated their second wedding anniversary in September.


I met my wife Emily while in rehearsals with Royal Caribbean. Initially we were seeing different people. One year later we were put together on the Navigator of the Seas, which is where we fell in love.
We’ve worked together on Royal Caribbean, Princess Cruise Lines, Holland America and different gigs here and there in Las Vegas. If we can I always try to be in the same show as Emily. Her voice blows me away
Audiences are apt to get blown away by the sheer volume of work that George is currently putting out on Vegas stages. He’s appearing as “Stefan” in SEX TIPS FOR STRAIGHT WOMEN FROM A GAY MAN, alternating with previously-profiled Chris Hodgson.
       Pals Chris Hodgson (left) and Blick shares stage duties for the same character…
After each performance, George then dashes from the Anthony Cools Showroom at Paris Las Vegas to adjacent Planet Hollywood. There he brings his dance skills to the V Theater as one of the newest members of Aussie Heat.
In today’s social-media climate, building your brand is almost as vital as your skills. Blick’s decided to share his sense of fashion via Blick’s Boutique, an online shopping experience that offers top quality wallets, hand bags, back packs and other accessories at affordable price points.
He also shares his expertise in the area of fitness by helping others as a personal trainer. With all of these activities going on, it’s doubtful that George ever sleeps.
George and Emily recently purchased a house in Sin City and they’re working hard to turn it into their dream home. They also have in their sights to team up professionally in a Sin City production. So far, they’ve only worked together here on temporary gigs.
As for production work, Emily is currently performing in Vegas! The Show, Fantasy and Tony and Tina’s Wedding, all located within a few blocks of George’s shows. So even when they’re performing separately, they’re never far apart.
Emily and I have worked together on Royal Caribbean Princess Cruise line, Holland America line and different gigs here and there in Las Vegas. I’ve always tried to be in the same shows as Emily. Her voice blows me away.
This ambitious young couple personifies the dream that newlyweds strive for. Their whirlwind lifestyle rarely slow down, but they always have for their two little ones…of the four-footed variety. And Emily’s extended family has made quite an impression.
We have two dogs – they are both chiweenies, a breed that combines chihuahua and dachsund. Their names are “Cwtch” (a Welsh word for “cuddle) who’s the male and “Jovi who is female. Even though they are small, they have massive personalities!
I’m an only child and my wife has a large family. When she gets into arguments with her brother or sister it’s quite funny, as I often have a different opinion of things than she does.
          Yours truly visits George (top left) and the guys of Aussie Heat…
Sitting down with George after a performance of Aussie Heat, I asked him a few questions about life in Vegas….and some of his goals going forward.

In my free time I like to relax, go to the gym and create different  projects. I like to always add strings to my bow of talent, So, if one of them was not to work anymore I’d have a back up plan.

One of my favorite restaurants here is The Martini on South Fort Apache Road. It’s a small place with amazing food and drink. And they have an incredible happy hour. Emily and I tend to go there quite often. I also love Steak and Shake! It’s cheap and cheerful but you leave there feeling “full as an egg”.

I’m not big into the clubbing scene…I prefer bars. One of my favorite bars is Stoney’s Rockin’ Country in Town Square. Since I love to line dance, I can have a really good time there. And of course, get an ice cold beer!

Even though there are thousands of recreational activities in and around Las Vegas, George still enjoys traveling the globe. All those years on cruises ships afforded him plenty of exposure to other cultures, so he has his favorite destinations to return to.
I really like Thailand…everything out there is bigger and a bit crazier. But if I was to vacation just for relaxation purposes I would definitely have to go with Mexico. The water is beautiful, it’s fun, the food is incredible…and who doesn’t love a margarita?
With all the work that George and Emily pack into a week, some cocktails on the beach would be a well-deserved reward. But of course, the call of the stage is in their blood, so Vegas audiences won’t have to go for long without a dose of the Blicks.
As for handsome Welshman, there are a few milestones left to accomplish:
I would love to work with Brad Pitt. He would be such a cool little inspirational guy to be around.
I’d also love to work with Michael Bolton. His voice is phenomenal and one of a kind. But I don’t really see that happening as I’m not a singer. But (laughing)…maybe I could be a background dancer someday in one of his videos!

Photos: George Blick via Facebook. Cover photo by Mark Osman

All Eyes On Vegas Once More

Publication is resuming from a new vantage point at the upper edge of the Valley…


A few weeks ago I announced here that I would be leaving Oregon and moving full-time to Sin City. A lot has happened since that article was published, most of it great…and some a bit sad.

It’s rare that I share personal details at Vegas Unfiltered…that is, unless they’re related to the topic at hand. But I’m pleased to say that my crew of rescue kitties and I survived the two-day drive.


We settled into our new home (a gorgeous four-level structure with a roof-top deck) and are adjusting quite nicely. All have done remarkably well…except for a big orange tabby named “Sunny”.


Sunny enjoys watching the sunrise with his dad on our overnight drive to Vegas…

Sunny has had a really tough life. I found him dying in a snow storm four years ago in rural Salem Oregon. He had been run over and left for dead. I took him to a vet, he survived surgeries and an extensive recovery period. Despite having the feline version of HIV called FIV (yes, it’s a real thing), Sunny grew to be healthy, happy and loved.

Sadly, only two days after unloading my moving truck, Sunny was at the Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center. His new oncologist and I were discussing options to treat his nasal lymphoma, a non-curable cancer.


As I write this, Sunny is in the next room being comforted by his gal-pal Tasha. My buddy underwent his first chemotherapy treatment last Thursday and is still hanging in there. Life for him will go only as long as the fates (and wonders of science) can allow.

My pal will enjoy being with us only. as long as his quality of life warrants it…then we’ll sadly say goodbye. Tasha will take it the hardest. She showed up a few months after I found Sunny and they’ve become inseparable.

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            George Blick will be in the Vegas Unfiltered spotlight very soon…

In the meantime, yours truly is ready to get back to publishing new profiles and experiences. Next up will be a profile of multi-hyphenate performer George Blick. Soon after will be a luxury Grand Canyon tour with Serenity Helicopters, a true VIP service. I’ll also be publishing my next piece through More on that one later.


Thank you for sticking with me during this time of transition. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait….these Vegas sunrises are certainly inspiring enough! Our Vegas Unfiltered adventure together is just beginning!


Photos: Sammasseur, Serenity Helicopters, George Blick

Hot Guys of Vegas – International Edition

Serving up a heaping helping of Sin City beefcake from all over the world…

Sometimes an accent can make your heart beat faster. Sean Connery‘s Irish brogue. Antonio Banderas‘ Spanish stylings. The suave sophistication of Daniel Craig and his “Queen’s English”. Then of course there are the men of Australia. Each are sexy on their own terms.


With Las Vegas being the capital of entertainment, studs (and damsels) from all over the world make their way here, often competing to find their way to the top. Dancers, models, singers, fitness celebs, strippers…and sometimes even escorts (this isn’t Disney, folks). If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

I’ve been lucky enough to become acquainted with some stunning examples of manhood since this column began. Graced with charm, ambition, great personalities and boundless talent, the Hot Guys of Vegas continue to fascinate and astound. This is my latest entry in Hot Guys of VegasInternational Edition.


Fabian Batey Petrina – immigration coordinator/bodybuilder


Hot Guys of Vegas International

                                                              Fabian Batey Petrina

Where You’ve Seen Him – Events, Physique Magazines, Bodybuilding competitions

Wrap your mind around this reality – a hard-bodied hunk with the cheekbones of a top model and the physique of a Greek god is actually an intellectual on a social mission. Now accept that reality as a truth. Meet Fabian Batey Petrina.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Fabian grew up as a happy boy in Heidelberg. The son of a single mother, he remembers being very content. “Germany’s full of beautiful memories. I had an amazing childhood. Every time I think back on it, I just smile”.

Fabian’s mother grew up under rough circumstances with an abusive father and a mother who committed suicide when she was very young. Finding strength in the situation, she dedicated her own life to making her son’s a happy one. Then she fell in love with an American soldier and suddenly Fabian had a younger brother.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

When he was fourteen, Fabian’s family moved to Hawaii to be with his new stepfather. Things didn’t go well in this new environment. He describes himself as an awkward kid with glasses who didn’t know English well and was the target of mental and physical abuse by bullies. Things got so badly at school that he nearly followed his late grandmother’s path to escape the torment.

Then came the health issues. A tumor developed in one of his legs. A degenerative cartilage condition attacked the other. Multiple surgeries followed, with lengthy periods in a wheelchair and then crutches. But Fabian found a way to work through the emotional and physical pain. Bodybuilding ended up being his salvation.

As Fabian told Muscle & Performance magazine for their December 2017 issue:

The schoolyard became a battlefield in which I found myself dodging verbal and physical attacks, hiding in whatever shadow I could find. My left jaw and eye socket were fractured the one time I did try to stand up for myself, which shattered my self-confidence.

The one “friend” who remained by my side was the sport of bodybuilding. Working out became more than a hobby, it became my foundation, my sanity and my safe haven. Through hard work, I constructed an armor that took the target off my back and allowed me to stand up tall and be proud of who I am.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Not satisfied with developing his body, Fabian earned multiple degrees in English and German literature and language. While attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Mr. Petrina served as an English tutor, despite it being his own second language.

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                    Fabian with his beloved mother at college graduation…

Passionate about the power of words, this remarkable young man assisted foreign and mentally disabled students who had difficulty with remedial and developmental English. His goal was to assist them through the cultural differences they were experiencing like he had. To accomplish that, he coordinated a program designed to give a smooth transition into the college lifestyle.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

If that wasn’t enough to solidify his place as a true-life hero, Fabian was also a volunteer at the Honolulu Fire Department, assisted the homeless via Houseless ‘Ohana organization and devoted his free time to the staff at Honolulu’s The Queen’s Medical Center.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Of course, living in the Island State’s sunny paradise provided for plenty of outdoor adventures…and opportunities to tan his amazing physique. Eventually Fabian decided to move to mainland San Francisco. Now he splits his days between the Bay area, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

To me, living in Las Vegas is the perfect environment for bodybuilding. Not only is it extremely low cost of living, but the fitness community is huge here. My favorite part is the heat. I love desert heat. I don’t really like Vegas that much in the winter, but when it’s nice and hot it gives me energy.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Whenever possible, Fabian likes to hang out with his fitness pals at Venice’s famed Muscle Beach. There’s no better place in the physique culture for photo ops and networking.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

This ambitious young man earned his WBFF professional status last summer, which allowed him to compete in London. Plus he’s now a brand ambassador for the MuscleTech line of fitness products and apparel.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Fabian hasn’t forgotten the difficulties he faced as an immigrant. In fact, he’s now “paying it forward” in a sense. For the past three and a half years he’s been a Global Immigration Coordinator for Fragomen, a worldwide group of immigration consultants, solicitors and attorneys.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

It’s been a tough journey for this once-frail little dreamer. But Fabian’s story was never going to be ordinary. With his mother as his inspiration, Fabian believes that anything is possible. You’ve just go to be willing to work hard for it. Very hard.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Get up early, bust ass, dream big, believe in yourself, and always – ALWAYS – remember to SMILE. – Fabian Petrina



David Goldrake – magician/philanthropist


Hot Guys of Vegas International

                                                    David Goldrake

Where you’ve seen him – IMAGINARIUM at Tropicana, charity events

In 2006, Hugh Jackman portrayed a mysterious illusionist in the film The Prestige. Sporting a lush wardrobe of ornate vests and gorgeous tuxedos, the Aussie heartthrob had many fans wishing the aristocratic magician would ditch his costumes to reveal a little of his famous physique.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

In 2017, Vegas fans of that movie got their wish…in a sense…when Luxembourg’s David Goldrake opened IMAGINARIUM at Tropicana‘s historic showroom. Much like Hugh Jackman, the beefy entertainer fills his jackets with rippling muscles and physical ferocity. And in a tension-filled segment, he DOES strip down to be submerged for an underwater escape. You can breathe now.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

As gorgeous as he is on the outside, David Goldrake has the same beauty within. I’ve had the pleasure of building a friendship with this gentleman over the past few months and continue to be fascinated with the kind and gentle soul that forms his core.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Goldrake has performed throughout Europe for the better part of two decades. In 1997 he had his own weekly television show “Magic With David Goldrake”. A favorite at world-famous Magic Castle in Los Angeles, he estimates that he has entertained twenty million people around the world.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

David’s love for people is demonstrated by his dedication to philanthropic causes. He strive to raise awareness for issues dear to his heart, like Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, a charity that assists children fighting cancer and their families.

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David entertaining children at SOS Village of Niger in 2011...

Then there’s SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde, a Luxembourg-based organization aimed at helping thousands of vulnerable children and their families worldwide. There are many more as well.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Early next month, David will be a guest performer at the annual AFAN Black and White Party, a fundraiser for Las Vegas men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS. The event takes place September 8th at Mandalay Bay’s DAYLIGHT Beach Club. Tickets are available by clicking here.

The fact that David is fluent in seven languages continues to intrigue me…as does his unique Luxembourg accent. He can strike up a conversation with anyone…about anything…and usually in their native tongue. His love for people comes through at every moment…that’s especially true when he’s in front of an audience.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

Many illusionists see their performance as being “in character”. For Goldrake, his actual personality is as much of the show as his props or sets. Ever observant of the audience, he engages as many guests as time and crowd size will allow. This makes each visit to the production unique and satisfying.

Last week it was announced that IMAGINARIUM would be coming to a close at the end of September. So now it’s more of a must see than ever. David’s eloquence, passion for the art of illusion and over-the-top sexiness set him apart from most other entertainers on the Strip.

Hot Guys of Vegas International

That makes IMAGINARIUM a thing of true beauty…just like its star. Don’t miss it.

David Goldrake IMAGINARIUM performs Tuesday through Sunday at 7pm. Groupon is currently offering discounts starting at $26.00. Click here for tickets. 

Photos – Fabian Batey Petrina and David Goldrake via Facebook/Instagram, Wainwright Images, SOS Villages